Today is the release of WiFi Manager Build! This release brings the improvements and bug fixes. We improved the login feature, you will be logged out from your account, so need to log in again. The update, changelog and insider notification feature got improvements.
Improved changelog
Improved insider notification feature
Improved update feature
Added improvements
Fixed bugs
We recommend you to update to the WiFi Manager Build on the release update channel to get latest improvements and stay up to date.
Update: 02.11.2018:
Known issues:
Loading the default settings might fail
We are working to investigate this issue and fix it. Patch will be available soon.
Update 2: 02.11.2018 [Patch]:
We are releasing the WiFi Manager Build! The issue with loading the default WiFi Manager settings is fixed. If you found any issue, feel free to report it. We are continue working to improve our products.
Update 3: 05.11.2018 [Patch 2]:
Today we are releasing the second patch to WiFi Manager. It fixes the issue with transparency in updates dialog and brings minor changes and improvements. We recommend you to update to WiFi Manager Build to get latest fixes and improvements.
Stay tuned!
The CobraTek team