The payment engine status is still pending


We would like to inform all users that we officially accept PayPal payments. Now, you can purchase our products using PayPal. Our PayPal account is: At this moment, we support only manual payments, if you want to purchase our products, you need to manually send money to our PayPal account from the PayPal dashboard. We are still working to make this process automatic for you.

Regarding the old payment engine, the payment engine staff reported to us that their bug fixing process is mostly complete. It means they still need a few more days to polish everything. We hope this process will be completed soon, so we can enable automatic purchase mode on our website again. We will inform you when this process is completed.

Users who already made orders, they got order status pending. These orders will be available until a user makes the payment. At this moment, these users have two payment options. The first option is to pay using PayPal to our account: After the successful payment, we will manually link the product license to a user account.

The second option is to wait for the automatic payment process through PayPal or the old payment engine, which should be available soon.

If you have any issues with purchasing our products, please contact us. We will provide you with the instructions how to make the payment.

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The CobraTek team
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23 May 2023
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