The payment engine has been disabled


Today, we would like to inform all our users that we are temporary disabled the automatic purchase mode due to the internal issues with the payment engine on their side. We are unable to receive your payments for our products because of these issues. The payment engine staff knows about these issues and already working to fix them. This process could take a few days or weeks to resolve all issues with the payment engine.

At this moment, we are supporting only bank transfers. You can get more information which bank transfers we support at Payment details section from our paid products pages. Also, we are still checking and working on the PayPal as additional solution to make it easier for you to purchase our products from the website. We hope the payment engine staff deals with all their issues soon. We will notify you when all issues with the payment engine are fixed. If you have any questions, please let us know.

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The CobraTek team
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10 May 2023
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