Server maintenance process is started


Today, we are staring the new webserver maintenance. This maintenance process is a part of our new development strategy and focused to fix all the internal issues on the webserver. One of the issue is that you receive the verification message during a registration on your email in the spam folder but it should go into the inbox folder.

This maintenance could take from a few hours to a couple of days. It depends on how much the work should be done to fix all issues. During this webserver maintenance process our products and services will be unavailable. Such features like registration, sign in to the system and account recovery will report error and will be temporary unavailable using our website or products.

Regarding this maintenance process, you can follow us on the social media to stay updated on the current progress: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Telegram. We will make sure this maintenance goes smoothly and fast as possible.

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The CobraTek team
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21 April 2023
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