WiFi Manager Enterprise Beta 3 Sneak Peek


We want to inform you about new features of WiFi Manager Enterprise Beta 3. Profiles Manager has been improved. We added the ability to search the stored profiles. You can view how it works in the screenshot below:


Also, it has new feature such as: Properties, Modify and View. The properties feature will show you the wireless network dialog, this dialog will allow you to manage the current wireless profile from the system.


Modify and view features will allow you to edit the existing profile and view the profile scheme. Check out the image below:


The network commands has been extended and improved. Now, you can get the wireless adapter driver information, wireless adapter capabilities. Also, you can view the wireless interfaces, rename interfaces and other useful network commands. We added the screenshot below to illustrate some of these commands.


We almost completed the WiFi Manager Enterprise development, but still need to make sure that everything runs well. Also, we are working on the Advanced Live Installer and the website new features/improvements, which are currently our highest priority. We are planning to release the WiFi Manager Enterprise in Summer 2020. We will notify you about the WiFi Manager Enterprise exact release date in the upcoming weeks.

Have a nice weekend!

The CobraTek team
29 May 2020

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