WiFi Manager Enteprise build released


We are excited to announce the WiFi Manager Enterprise build! It brings a lot of new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

In this build, we added find a user location by IP feature on the map. Now, in the Settings dialog, Location tab you can find your location or user location by providing the IP address. Also, we added the wireless network recovery feature. This feature is useful for those users who lost their wireles network password. The large database around ~130,000 passwords could help find the correct one.

Also, we added the experimental WiFi 7 support. Now, if you have the WiFi 7 capable hardware and such a wireless network, you should see Tri-Band, 802.11be mode and 6GHz frequency. Note: this is only the experimental support because some of the WiFi 7 features are not properly tested due to the lack of such hardware devices at this moment.

Additionally, we imporoved the WiFi 6 support and replaced the OneDrive update delivery option with the Google Drive due to OneDrive API changes.

The old WiFi Manager Enteprrise builds are not supported anymore. We strongly recommend all WiFi Manager Enterprise customers to update to the latest build. You can use the built-in update feature on Commercial channel, download a regular installer from your applications library or use the Advanced Live Installer (ALI).

New users can purchase the WiFi Manager Enterprise lifetime license for only $19.99 USD per copy from our website. Hurry up, specially for our 8 years anniversary, you can get your copy for just $13.99 USD! This offer is valid until 10th September 2024.

If you have any questions about WiFi Manager Enterprise program, please let us know.

Stay tuned!

The CobraTek team
2 September 2024

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