PC Info Pro RC build released


We are releasing the PC Info Pro RC build! It brings new features, improvements and bug fixes.

We added PC Explorer useful tool. This tool has all the features from your explorer but also it provides to you a better navigation by using tabs. It will help you to manage your files/folders even faster. Using PC Explorer useful tool you can copy, cut, rename, delete and even drag and drop items between tabs!


Also, we fixed an issue with the Dev notification message on the startup for VIP users. This update is free and available on the Release channel for those who already purchased the PC Info Pro program. Also, to update to this build you can use the Advanced Live Installer or download a regular installer from your applications library. For a new users the PC Info Pro program costs only $19.99 USD per copy.

We are still working on the Network Monitor useful tool. The new build will be released as soon this feature is ready. If you have any questions about PC Info Pro program, feel free to contact us.

Stay tuned!

The CobraTek team
19 May 2021

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