Dev Reporter build is available now


We are very excited to announce the Dev Reporter build program!

This new program is only focused on submitting the bug reports about our products to us. We merged the Dev Manager application and System Reporter into one program - Dev Reporter. You are no longer need to install the program to submit the bug reports to us. The Dev Reporter program just runs and require no installation on a user's computer.

The Dev Manager and System Reporter programs are no longer supported. We strongly recommend to use Dev Reporter to submit your bug reports.

Additionally, we added the feature to include your system information during a bug submission process. Using this feature, you can share some details about your system for example: computer name, your os architecture, how much ram is installed on your system, network adapters information etc. This will allow us to find and fix bugs in our products much faster.


Some features from Dev Manager program such as Net Connection, WMI Detector and Wlan Manager are no longer available in Dev Reporter. These features you can find in PC Info and WiFi Manager products, for example Net Connection feature is now called Ping and available in all our paid products.

You can download a Dev Reporter program from our website and many additional sources as well.

If you have any questions about Dev Reporter program, please let us know.

Stay tuned!

The CobraTek team
26 May 2023

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